WHAT WINS THE BATTLE IN ACCESS TO SOCIAL NETWORKS? We currently have many electronic devices to access the internet. Be it a desktop computer, a laptop or another type of device. Normally there is always the question of which device to choose and how to use it.

Previously Internet connections were made through both desktop and laptop computers, limiting connectivity and mobility of people, but thanks to the smart mobile phone all that disappeared. This meant that the connections were limited in a fixed place.

Previously Internet connections were made through both desktop and laptop computers, limiting connectivity and mobility of people, but thanks to the smart mobile phone all that disappeared. This meant that the connections were limited in a fixed place.

Nowadays connectivity is practically solved with the electronic devices that we have today. Practically resolved, because it is not always possible to connect and the internet from anywhere in the world since not all places have an Internet connection structure developed

The use of devices has increased access to the Internet, providing the possibility of connecting in Latin America to a total of 160 million Internet users, according to the UK essay help Media Assignment writing service company in its report entitled "Informe Digital Latinoamerica".

With the above data, we must highlight the benefits and disadvantages of this technology.

In the case of professionals who work daily with a large volume of information, perhaps small devices are not the best option. For other types of professionals whose job is to read most of the time, small devices such as tablets or smartphones may be more useful.

Differences can be found between the digital tablet and the smartphone, which link us to the process of device acquisition. In order to make the decision of which device to acquire, we must take into account the advantages and disadvantages of its functionalities.

If you attend to questions such as quick information queries on the internet, read email or be on social networks, possibly with a smart mobile phone can cover your needs.

On the other hand, if your needs contain a reading of electronic books, newspapers or digital magazines, it is possible that the best choice is a Tablet since they have a larger screen and it is much easier to read. It also facilitates the writing of documents, although their keyboards do not yet allow the production of daily writings with large volumes of information since the cheap custom essay writing is not very fluid.

Finally, if the objectives are electronic games, editing or watching videos, the device should go a little further and the most comfortable an option is a laptop or a desktop computer. Most electronic games consume a large number of graphics resources and need a device better adapted to that environment.


Desktop computers lose the battle against mobile phones in terms of visits to social networks. These sites enjoy great success, as data from the Mexican Internet Association (AMIPCI) reveal that social networks are in first place in terms of entertainment.

Therefore, accessing them is an activity that becomes relevant within fixed and mobile devices, where fixed computers and electronic tablets lose the battle against smartphones and desktop computers.

According to the Research Department of Merca2.0 within the study " Profile of the user in social networks," both men and women access these sites of social interaction through their mobile phones to register 37.5 and 38.7 percent in a way respective.

The second place is obtained by laptops since the study reveals that both 35.3 percent of women and 35.7 percent of men connect these sites through their laptops. Likewise, desktop computers get the second position, since 16 percent of men and 15.5 percent of women do it through them.

The electronic tablets are left behind in the list since only 10.3 percent of them and 10.7 percent of them use them to access their social networks. In a way, access at any time is vital for the consumer, which is not possible to perform on desktop computers.

The study "Profile of the user in social networks" of the Research Department of Merca2.0 has the participation of 449 people.

Author bio: Eddie is a content strategist and a SEO manager at UK Essay Writers.



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